let's talk farm animals

Animal Ag Alliance to Yellow Tail: Please Reconsider

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Animal Ag Alliance To Yellow Tail: Please Reconsider
02/12/2020 11:05AM

In an effort to assist Yellow Tail Wines in determining its best opportunity to help animals, the Animal Agriculture Alliance has written a letter this week to the company’s owner, Cassella Wines. Yellow Tail Wines announced last week their intent to donate $100,000 to the Humane Society of the United States.

Yellow Tail’s announcement has generated considerable controversy among livestock producers and a backlash against the wine company. “The uproar over the last week has shown that you will undoubtedly lose a significant segment of your American customer base if you continue with your pledge of support for HSUS,” the letter says.


Posted by FFC on February 16th, 2010 :: Filed under Activism,Consumers,Letters to the Editor,Vegan,Vegetarian
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New Temple Grandin movie on HBO

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Check out Claire Danes as Dr. Temple Grandin on the new HBO movie - Grandin. Dr. Temple Grandin has come to Ontario many times to “standing room only” events to talk with farmers and meat processing plant staff to improve farm animal welfare. This woman is truly remarkable and has helped more animals than any activist group could ever imagine, with very little fanfare. Sounds like Dane and this movie will help take the awareness of her incredible work beyond the farm and autism communities.



Posted by FFC on February 8th, 2010 :: Filed under Uncategorized
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