Farm tweets land Ontario sheep farmer steady business
By Jeanine Moyer
(Sebringville) - “What’s trending” is what launched Erbcroft Farms into the food market. Combining consumer
interest in local food and social media made a successful marketing strategy for one Ontario sheep farmer. Luann Erb, of Erbcroft Farms, says her twitter account as one of her most effective marketing tools.
Fourth generation farmers in Sebringville, ON, Luann and Tim Erb, along with their two sons, farm 300 acres, raising sheep, pigs, ducks and chicken. Faced with a career change in 2009, Luann chose to stay at home on the farm full-time to diversify the family income. “I needed to be able to manage the livestock on my own,” says Erb who decided sheep were just the right size for her. She quickly saw that the value of her sheep wasn’t realized through traditional markets and set out to create her own savvy marketing approach through social media. “Like any business I wanted to maximize my profits,” says Erb who recognized local food trends and social media as her best business opportunities.
Posted by Farm and Food Care on May 30th, 2014 :: Filed under Agricultural Advocates,Sheep,Social media,Uncategorized
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