let's talk farm animals

Spring on the farm

by Patricia Grotenhuis, lifelong dairy farmer and agricultural advocate

I always found, growing up, one of the hardest questions to answer was “what’s your favourite season?”  I loved them all!  As each change in the seasons came, I would look forward to the change with anticipation. 

Scenes like this may still be a few weeks away but we're already looking forward to them!

Spring, to me, meant a time for new life.  Not only in the barn, either.  Dairy cows have calves year round, which is why we have a steady supply of milk in the grocery stores.  Other animals, like beef cows, sheep and meat goats, have most of their young during the late winter and spring months.  I have always loved driving down the road in the spring, and seeing the young animals out on pasture.  It is a sight that will make me smile every time, no matter how often I see it.


Posted by FFC on March 25th, 2011 :: Filed under Crops,Dairy cattle,Farm life,Other livestock,spring,Weather
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DIY food: your own goat = homegrown dairy

Here’s an interesting story on the trend towards growing your own food. I think it’s good they got the message out that it’s 24-7 work and the responsibilities associated with raising farm animals. Not as easy as goldfish! - OFAC

Wency Leung
Globe and Mail Update
Tuesday, Apr. 06, 2010 7:18PM EDT

There are dog people and cat people. And then, there are dairy-loving goat people.


Posted by FFC on April 7th, 2010 :: Filed under Animal care,backyard flocks,Other livestock